A Little Sprinkling


Today, with so many men and women working outside the home,

it is rare to find time to indulge your passions...like art!

A favorite quote on a Mary Engelbreit drawing gives me encouragement:

"You're never too old to be what you might have been."

Make time to enjoy what you truly love. I'm just beginning the journey.

My Links (also, flikr):



Monday, January 31, 2011

"Weather" or Not

Whether or not we want it, bad weather is moving in tomorrow and Wednesday--a foot of snow expected. I guess Michiganders have lived through this enjoyment only eight times since the early 1900's. Thank God for small favors; I don't have to go to work on Wednesday!

People in the UP (upper peninsula of Michigan) get this type of snowfall so much that it's "old hat". They climb up on their roof-tops and sweep off the snow. What wimps we are!

My dad passed away during the blizzard of '78. We could barely make it to the church across the street from the funeral home. We crept an inch at a time for about two miles, to my sister's house, and spent the night there just so we could visit with out-of-town relatives who were stuck here in Michigan. Lined up in a row, we all slept, wall to wall--overflowing from the guest room (big family!) I wouldn't have missed the experience for the world. How often to you get "snowed in" with people you rarely get to see?

In ninth grade we had a very heavy snowfall. Mom said we had to attend school, even though my sister Mary and I knew no one would be there. We dawned "sweater tights," as we called them; cable-stitched, knitted tights and slacks under our skirts. After plowing two blocks through the snow, walking down the middle of the road, lifting our legs a foot high with each step, we finally arrived to empty, dark hallways. School was cancelled. We could have slept in--good, ole' Mom!

So, tomorrow, "weather" or not we like it, we're in for a lot of weather...or not!

Pleasant dreams of snowflakes, white diamonds under street lights, frosted windows, heavy winds, snow plows, salt trucks, accidents...oh, forget it!

Frosty Queen

Friday, January 7, 2011

Valentines Day Hair Accessories Already?

Oh, yeah...Valentines Day will be here before we know it.  I'm usually the last to figure it out.

Headbands are filling my Etsy shop--even baby's and little girl's hair bands. Valentines Day! Time keeps slipping away, does it not?

More to come...

Pleasant dreams of hearts, candy, flowers, cupids, cherubs, perfume, romance...  Nighty, night. Sleep tight.

Queen of Hearts

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Treasuries

Hi, again! Wondrous Strange Designs has included me in two of her treasuries. The first includes my Royal Disc Necklace and the second includes my Peacocks Hiding in the Grass Headband.

Please check out these other wonderful artists. Their work is fabulous! I know. I've visited their shops.

Thanks, D!

Have a wonderful evening!

First of 2011 and Introducing Headbands

Happy New Year to all! This is going to be an amazing year! I can feel it. Of course, I'm not always right, either.

Actually, my phone "up" and "down" arrows aren't working, my TV remote is being temperamental and my blog cursor doesn't want to cooperate. Nevertheless, I feel pretty positive about 2011, strange as it seems.

Check these out:

I've been creating and selling headbands and other hair accessories for a year now and keep getting requests to put them on Etsy. Well, the last two days I have listed a few. Hope they do well. Hope you like them, too! 

Pleasant dreams of new endeavors, resolutions, more time, happiness, peace, profit, love...

Positively Yours

About Me

My photo
Trenton, MI, United States
Art is my passion. My shop at mydreamgarden.etsy.com is just a little jaunt. Please stop by my shop anytime and also follow this blog. Feel free to leave comments, especially positive ones! I invite constructive criticism as well; it makes for continued growth. Write me: mydreamgarden@wideopenwest.com. "itsmydreamgarden" on Yahoo. Google "mydreamgarden" and link to my Etsy website from there. You can also get to my Etsy page from this blog. Go to my Profile and click on the link. Thanks for stopping by. Have a day that's filled with wonder! Therese